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MÓJKA Nature Reserve


Тип блоку:


    Rezerwat Przyrody

    Forest reserve with an area of 285.56 hectares, located in the municipality of Błażów. This includes old stand of fir and European beaver habitat.

    There are two hiking trails that run through the area: the "deer trail", designed for travellers who appreciate long journeys through backwoods leading through ravines and streams, and a gentler "beaver trail", intended primarily for children and teenagers.

    Interesting fauna of the reserve: European beaver, three-toed woodpecker, red crossbill, bullfinch, fire salamander, yellow-bellied toad, slow worm and a popular sand lizard. Periodically, one can see a black stork in the reserve.

    localization-imgсхема проїзду:

    провінція: PODKARPACKIE
    Широта і довгота: 49.8493845693854,22.1047496795654