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'After-Basilian' church dedicated to Najświętsza Maria Panna


Тип блоку:

    A beautiful interior of the church.

    After-Basilian complex dated back to the 18th century contains the church dedicated to Najświętsza Maria Panna, a monastery and a gate. They were build for Basilian monastery. The church, build as a copy of the latin church, has a beautiful interior dated back to the 18th century. One can also admire a memorial commemorating the Polish who were exiled in Siberia (by Jacek Spisacki).

    localization-imgсхема проїзду:

    Brzeska street 33A
    21-500 Biała Podlaska
    провінція: LUBELSKIE
    Широта і довгота: 52.0385,23.143