Warsaw 17.2 ºC
Контакт з нами

AMER-POL health resort


Тип блоку:


    Total: 280
    Number of rooms: 153
    Apartments 5

    The health resort AMER-POL is located in the heart of the Polańczyk Spa, 8 km from Solina, on the peninsula of Soliński Lake.

    The hotel offers a wide range of accommodation with comfortable, functional rooms and suites of a higher standard. You can book via the online form. The resort has a full treatment facilities, equipped with modern rehabilitation equipment. Another advantage is its proximity to the lake, allowing for water sports and fishing. In the neighborhood you can find walking trails, sports fields and trails providing opportunities for active recreation.

    localization-imgсхема проїзду:

    Zdrojowa street 27
    38-610 Polańczyk
    провінція: PODKARPACKIE
    Широта і довгота: 49.395826,22.460689