Warsaw 27.8 ºC
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Повернутися на домашню сторінкуBelfegor Ranch and Horseback Riding Centre

Belfegor Ranch and Horseback Riding Centre


Тип блоку:

    Belfegor Ranch and Horseback Riding Centre is one of the biggest and best situated private ranches in Wroclaw. It is located in the North West part of the city, on the border of Stablowice and Pracze Odrzanskie.
    The ranch sells sport and husbandry horses, offers pedigree horses and runs the hotel. The horseback riding sport club runs the section for children and adults in jumping, dressage, cross, long distance races. It offers wide variety of recreation riding, lessons for beginners, individual, longe and outdoor riding.

    localization-imgсхема проїзду:

    Stabłowicka street 131
    54-062 Wrocław
    провінція: DOLNOŚLĄSKIE
    Широта і довгота: 51.167456,16.899458