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Повернутися на домашню сторінкуTrans-Wielkopolska Cycling Trail – northern part

Trans-Wielkopolska Cycling Trail – northern part


Тип блоку:
    Type of route
    - Canoeing
    Length of the route
    - 200 km


    Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Wielkopolskiego - Departament Sportu i Turystyki
    Piekary 17
    61-823 Poznań
    провінція: WIELKOPOLSKIE

    The trail leads from Poznań to the northernmost municipality in Wielkopolskie voivodeship – Okonka.

    Easy trail. Mostly leads through roads with minor car traffic. Few sandy, off-road parts along the way. The longest ‘off-road’ part of the trail is located between Piła and Plecemin. It is also the richest part in natural landscapes.

    The trail is marked in green along its whole distance according to the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Association standards.

    The trail begins in Poznań in Sołacki Park, at Nad Wierzbakiem Street. Ends in Okonek, where the bicycle-didactic trail begins.

    localization-imgсхема проїзду:

    провінція: WIELKOPOLSKIE
    Широта і довгота: 52.4064,16.9252