Warsaw 16.1 ºC
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Warta - Monastery complex of Bernadines


Тип блоку:

    The Bernardine church in Warta is considered to be one of Poland’s most richly furnished and ornamented sanctuaries.

    The Bernardine church in Warta is considered to be one of Poland’s most richly furnished and ornamented sanctuaries. It was built in 1479-82 in a Gothic style and its today’s shape and interior came from the 17th and 18th centuries. The main alter with a figure of Mary Assumed into Heaven is a valuable example of Baroque art. A marble sarcophagus with the figure of Rafał of Proszowice from 1640 and a tombstone of saintly Melchizedek of Warta (beginning of c17th) are worth seeing. In the nave, visitors’ attention can be attracted by huge paintings “Piotrawin taken to royal court” and “the Wrath of the God”.

    localization-imgсхема проїзду:

    Klasztorna street 9
    98-290 Warta
    провінція: ŁÓDZKIE
    Широта і довгота: 51.706861,18.625778