Warsaw 27.8 ºC
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WILCZKOWSKA Tenement House


Тип блоку:

    Today in the building there is a part of the Museum of Zamosc, and the restaurant.

    The building dates from the beginning of the seventeenth century. Its current form and the interior the building owes to the renovation undertaken in 1665-1674 by Jan Wilczek, the city councilor. The initials of the owner of the house remained on the facade and wooden beams indoors. The building was rebuilt and received an early Baroque decor. In the upper left corner there is a relief depicting St. John the Baptist and lower St. Thomas the Apostle with three spears.

    localization-imgсхема проїзду:

    Ormiańska street 30
    провінція: LUBELSKIE
    Широта і довгота: 50.7176,23.2529