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Повернутися на домашню сторінкуX. Dunikowski Sculpture Museum in Rabbitery

X. Dunikowski Sculpture Museum in Rabbitery


Тип блоку:
    - czwartek wstęp bezpłatny

    The Museum houses temporary exhibitions and the historic park surrounding the palace is Sculpture Park.

    The Rabbitery takes its name from Saxon times, when it used as a menagerie and rabbit hunting was fashionable. The palace was built in the late 18th century by Karl Thomatis Count de Valery, and was designed by Dominik Merlini.
    The Museum houses temporary exhibitions, concerts, performances, meetings, conferences, film screenings and outdoor events.
    The historic park surrounding the palace is Sculpture Park, which presents selected works from the wide and rich collection of the National Museum in Warsaw.

    localization-imgсхема проїзду:

    Puławska street 113a
    02-707 Warszawa
    провінція: MAZOWIECKIE
    Широта і довгота: 52.189624,21.025018
    факс+48 228536953
    Миттєві повідомленняFB: https://www.facebook.com/Krolikarnia