Warsaw 28.9 ºC
Контакт з нами

"Zabajka" riding club


Тип блоку:


    Zabajka is one of the largest riding clubs in Podkarpacie.
    Accommodation offer:
    * accommodation in a cottage camping. (with your own sleeping bag) 1 night: 15zł/os
    * accommodation in the living room (with your own sleeping bag) 1 night: 25zł/os
    * accommodation in the living room (with linens) 1 night: 40zł/os

    localization-imgсхема проїзду:

    Zabajka 358
    36-060 Zabajka
    провінція: PODKARPACKIE
    Широта і довгота: 50.147115,21.952298